Advanced Management Innovation Program (Madri)

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    Advanced Management Innovation Program (Madrid)


    As the world economy continues to evolve, so do the requirements for global leadership.

    The Advanced Management Innovation Program is a powerful and transformative learning experience that explores the best and most updated innovative management practices for sustaining a strategic advantage over the long term.
    What can you expect?
    AMIP is a blended program that combines classroom sessions with online methodology.

    It embraces 8 intensive monthly periods from Wednesday to Saturday which demand commitment away from day to day issues but are compatible with your professional activity.

    AMP offers you a great opportunity to look beyond short term solutions and tailor a big picture approach.

    In addition to this, you will attend four online learning periods which will make it easier your attendance to the program compatible with your professional demands.

    Investment in the future: Why AMP?.
    • Global Peer Network focusing on innovation
    • Learning Environment
    • Proven and compatible learning format
    • A dynamic, leadership development program
    • Develop a heightened awareness of the extraordinary change in organizations and people and the way in which they innovate for the future. This course equips the participant with the skills to build and manage a high performing organization that drives change.
    • Hone the new management values: entrepreneurship, collaborative environments, highly effective processes, diversity and adaptability.
    • Acquire the latest frameworks and tools required for a winning and competitive strategy.
    • Develop an own Business Challenge exchanging insights and concerns with other participants and learn from these contributions.
    • Foster your personal and professional development through the experiential learning methodology
    General information.
    Title: Advanced Management Innovation Program (Madrid)

    Convocatoria: 2012

    Dirigido a:
    AMP is designed for executives who are proven business leaders and want to drive innovation in their organizations. It is aimed at:

    Executives with at least ten years of work experience and three of managerial experience who wish to drive innovation in their professional and personal development.

    Experienced Entrepreneurs facing new start ups.

    Executives with a high potential to be business leaders, open to change, with a tolerant attitude, critical and willing to contribute with their experience and concerns in the learning process A strong commitment to a rigorous academic program and an advanced level in written and spoken English is required.

    Lugar: Madrid

    Modalidad del curso: Blended

    Dedicación: Part Time

    Idioma: Inglés

    Your course of Study AMP program is highly structured in four perspectives:
    • Customer, Product Markets and Growth
    • Collaboration
    • Organizations and Public Environment
    • Innovation: Managing Innovation and Organizational Effectiveness
    The Business Challenge is the tool through which each participant will have the opportunity to apply their own learning experience and innovation approach into their job position and organization in order to improve them, using the analytical and strategic skills to drive innovation, performance and effective decision making across their organizations.

    They will exchange valuable insights with the other peers of their teams.

    Learning by doing
    • Gaining a better understanding of what it actually means to do the activity.
      Riding a bike isn't that hard, if you were to read about the technique in a book or manual. When you hop on however, the subtleties of keeping your balance, steering and maintaining the proper speed become very apparent. These are things you couldn't learn simply by reading and yet it could be argued that they are the most important things to know
    • Getting a deeper understanding of the subject.
      When doing something, you are able to apply your unique set of skills, talents and experiences to the activity. As mentioned in the bike riding example, there are a lot of subtle things you would miss if you simply read about riding a bike. By trying things out, modifying the activity and experimenting you learn first hand what works and what doesn't. It's this first hand experience that makes ideas and concepts stick.
    • Learning by doing promotes critical thinking.
      Critical thinking is an important life skill. Reading and taking other people's word for things doesn't add much richness to our own life experience and in fact much of what we read or are told is simply not true in certain circumstances. Doing things and experimenting allows you to question the status quo, discover new things, new methods but most importantly critical thinking increases your odds of not clinging to a false belief.
    The Business Challenge

    The Business Challenge is the tool through which each participant will have the opportunity to apply their own learning experience and innovation approach into their job position and organization in order to improve them, using the analytical and strategic skills to drive innovation, performance and effective decision making across their organizations.

    They will exchange valuable insights with the other peers of their teams.

    Online learning: Expanding Knowledge
    • Using EOI platform from any device
    • Integrating face to face sessions with on line learning
    • With the possibility of using different tools: video, forums, chat
    • Allowing following-up of the training over time
    Personalized Learning: Coaching

    To amplify the impact of the program AMP offers 360-degree feedback, one-to-one coaching . As a result, you will develop a plan of action for successfully addressing your organizational changes and your personal development.

    An organization that uses executive coaching as a means of empowering its top management all the more finds success an easy goal to reach.

    Shared lunches with experts
    To hone your social skills and networking, during the 8 intensive learning periods you will have lunch with senior executives or entrepreneurs who will exchange with you their insights.

    Social Media
    Executives attending the AMIP will learn the use of twitter and linkedin as a professional and leveraging tool.

    Nuestro Modelo

    Un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje para el trabajo en red, la construcción de conocimiento colectivo y la atención individualizada

    El modelo educativo de EOI funde los entornos físicos y virtuales para convertir EOI en una Escuela Digital, Abierta y Colaborativa. Estos espacios de trabajo fluyen desde el aula virtual basada en Moodle para el encuentro restringido a profesores y alumnos, hasta el trabajo colaborativo y la comunicación digital con Google Apps, pasando por la práctica de publicación abierta en blogs individuales y sites de proyectos colectivos y terminando con el inicio de un nuevo ciclo a partir de la conversación en redes que genera todo el proceso.

    Work in progress y learning by doing:
    Este recorrido de inmersión digital en las prácticas de trabajo colaborativo se ven encarnadas en el desarrollo de los proyectos elaborados en grupo que pivotan como eje central de los programas formativos. Estos proyectos nacen y se desarrollan con lógica digital a través de sites públicos donde los alumnos van compartiendo y contrastando los avances de sus ideas desde un enfoque de work in progress que pone énfasis en el proceso y mejora necesariamente el resultado.

    Identidad digital. Profesionales digitales:
    La visibilidad de los proyectos y de los alumnos como emprendedores de su propio proceso de aprendizaje es facilitada por la expansión del trabajo realizado en las redes sociales de mayor alcance y difusión en internet: Twitter, Facebook y LinkedIn. A través de la elaboración de sus propios contenidos en los blogs y en los sites de proyectos, los alumnos muestran su conocimiento y aprenden de empresas, inversores y expertos en su campo de especialización en un entorno abierto a la innovación. Gracias a este ecosistema digital, alumnos y profesores extienden la relación de aprendizaje más allá de los límites naturales del aula, comparten conocimiento, interactúan en las redes y trabajan conjuntamente en la creación de proyectos aplicados en un contexto real.

    Tecnologías abiertas para una educación abierta:
    Las soluciones tecnológicas del modelo educativo EOI responden necesariamente al enfoque abierto y colaborativo del software libre como garantía de apertura, innovación y sostenibilidad. Esto explica que se utilicen desarrollos como Moodle para el aula virtual, Wordpress para los blogs, LifeRay para la web, Fedora para el repositorio Savia o Android para los dispositivos móviles.

    Construyendo el futuro desde el presente:
    Informes internacionales sobre las TIC aplicadas a la educación, entre ellos el The Horizon Report, hablan del aprendizaje en movilidad, la computación en la nube y la simulación con tecnologías digitales como determinantes en el futuro de la Educación Superior. En EOI es una experiencia del presente.

Outro curso relacionado com gerenciamento de empresas e negócios (outros)

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