Master degree program in Data Science & Advanced Analytics

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Master degree program in Data Science & Advanced Analytics

  • Objectivos Business Analytics is more oriented to information management and business. This major will train students with a stronger business oriented background, that will allow them to identify and implement the most adequate analytical models to different business problems and functional areas. In addition, students will be able to interpret the results of business analytics and their implications to business. Finally, according to the data analysis results, they will be able to make data driven decisions to optimize the business process.

    Data Science is more oriented to information technology and computer science. This major will provide stronger technical skills, allowing students to master all the most known and widely used paradigms and environments for software development. Students from this major will be specialized in problem solving, optimization and computational intelligence, they will be able to approach big data technically and they will have solid skills in methods like deep learning, that are very much in demand in the global market nowadays.
  • Titulação Master in Data Science and Advanced Analytics
  • Conteúdo The popularity of Data Science and Analytics has been steadily growing in the last few years, both in Industry and Academia. The Master degree Program in Data Science and Advanced Analytics is aimed at analytical oriented people wishing to meet the challenges of modern technology by solving new and challenging problems, who like to turn data into knowledge and aspire to develop a career in a field with huge potential for growth and with great demand worldwide.This program has two majors, identifying the two main areas and trends of Data Science and Analytics: Business Analytics and Data Science. They share a core curriculum, consisting in a solid training in the main paradigms associated with vast amounts of data, decision making processes, statistics, data mining and machine learning, and the processes of creation and maintenance of descriptive and predictive models.
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